a room with a table and chairs
a group of drinks on a table

The Bird Restaurant

Elevated All-Day Delights

A Montauk staple since the early 1970s, The Bird at Daunt’s Albatross Motel is where locals and travelers alike gather to dine, unwind, and reconnect.

a bowl of salad and a glass of wine on a table

Begin or end your day on the right foot in our come-as-you-are ambiance, where diverse dishes and elevated cocktails are crafted with a keen sense of creativity and quality. It’s the way we’ve been doing it for over five decades.

Opening Hours

WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY: Dinner from 5 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. | Bar hours 5 p.m. - Close
SATURDAY - SUNDAY: Brunch from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

On The Menu

From sweet and spicy to classic and creative, all under one roof.

a man sitting in a bar

Meet Chef Marcos

A native of Rincón, Puerto Rico, a seaside town beloved by many Montauk surfers, Chef Marcos Martinez brings a fresh perspective to every plate he creates. 

a woman holding a glass of wine

Gather & Grub

Parties, celebrations, social events, meetings, and more. Bring your group to The Bird and give everyone a taste of something different. 


From Our Newest Friends:

Just Couldn't Stay Away

The food is absolutely, amazingly delicious. The pastries here are out of this world. I just couldn’t stay away from this place during my visit to Montauk.

Zina D.

Amazing Food & Amazing People

Loved the atmosphere of this place. The food was just the perfect amount with so much flavor! Definitely will be coming here a LOT.

Rachael C.

A Must Any Time We Come

Literally the best pancakes I have ever had! The staff was super nice and chill. Would highly recommend this place. This will be a must any time we come to Montauk!

Maria S.